Start From a Template with Studio
Start from a template option aims to select a template among the ready-to-edit web application templates, customize the selected template by the studio as a front-end project and deploy them via GitHub. Create your own front-end project with the help of drag&drop by Studio. First, need to select ready-to-edit web application template, and then connect to your GitHub account. The application creates a repository in your GitHub account. The new project you created is cloned into the created repository. When the deployment is complete, you can manage your application on the Applications page.
To create an application by selecting a template, the system shows two options.
1. Start Editing
2. Editing with Github
Start Editing
To Start Editing:
1. Select ready-to-edit web application template
2. Click the Start Editing Button
3. Studio will open on the new tab with Selected Template
4. Design your front-end project help of drag & drop
5. Click the Publish to Production button
6. Enter the repository name and select the repository visibility
7. Connect your GitHub account
8. Click the publish button
Deployment starts automatically, and for the manage your application clicks the Manage Application Button. The system redirects to nucal application portal.
• GitHub repository: Select the GitHub Repository to use.
• Default branch: Set the branch that will be deployed on changes and manually.
• Repository name: We’ll create a repository in your GitHub account with this name.
• Repository Visibility: Choose between creating a public repository visible to others or a private repository, visible only to yourself.
Github Repository
If this is your first application, you’ll need to connect Nucal application to your GitHub account and Authorize NuCAL on GitHub.
select template
-Build a web application
connect to github
-Authorize NuCAL to connect to your GitHub account.
Build with Github
To Editing with Github:
1. Select ready-to-use web application template
2. Click the Editing with GitHub Button
3. Create Git Repository & Settings step opens
4. Enter the repository name and select the repository visibility
5. Connect your GitHub account
6. Start Building Step opens
7. Click the Open Studio button
8. Studio will open on the new tab with selected web application template
9. Design your front-end project help of drag & drop
10. Click the Publish button
Deployment starts automatically, and for the manage your application clicks the Manage Application Button.
connect to github
-Connect NuCAL with your GitHub account.
Things to Pay Attention
When application created with Start from a Template option, If you don't click the publish button in studio, Deployment will not start. Your application is created within the system, but its status is shown as Pending.
In case of updating an application, you need to click on the Design button. Clicking on the Design button will open the Studio. After making changes to your application with the help of Drag & Drop, just click the Publish button again, otherwise, your changes will be gone.
In case the deployment status fails, you can open Studio by clicking the Design button and clicking the Publish button to restart the deployment.
app statuses
-Card Status